Issue 3, Vol 1, Jan-Mar 2020

: Issue 3, Vol 1, Jan-Mar 2020
Issue 3, Vol 1, Jan-Mar 20202020-03-15T22:12:42+00:00

Editorial Article

What exactly we need to do as Parents and Teachers for the ideal skill development among our kids?

Knowledge Integration Zone for Parents and Teachers 

    1. Is your child drinking appropriate and adequate liquid?

   2. Managing medical emergencies among kids- III.

   3. Importance of Actives and Programme Structure in Pre School.

Parents Zone

  1. Am I aware about my child’s exposure to Positive    Experience? 
  2. The Triple letter game  
  3. Addy’s New Gift 

Curious Kids Zone

Enthusiastic Teachers Zone

  1. Am I well equipped for developing Kids at my School
  2. Teaching Style to make more impact